Aug 17, 2018
“Technology hasn’t overtaken storytelling” this quote comes from Adam Boita Head of Marketing at Pernod Ricard UK - this week on the Shiny New Object podcast. Adam’s interview notes read like an inspirational instagram posts: “Invest in yourself, always be restless” / “You can only focus on three big goals at any one time” / “I’m a marketer that blends culture and technology.” But it’s far from being all talk. Adam realised at 15 that he wanted to get into advertising and spent his summer holidays as a teen interning at big London ad agencies. Adam’s Shiny New Object is the ‘Digification of TV’. His view is that music, radio, out-of-home and print have been drastically disrupted by digital but TV has mostly resisted. We go into detail about Sky’s new tech that allows TV ads to be aimed at specific individuals based on their viewing habits and to measure impressions and not use TVR. Adam is a true brand innovator who embraces new technology but in the end he reminds us that “everything starts with the consumer insight”. #TV #twitter #data #tech #google #marketing #advertising #AI #artificial #intelligence #brands #privacy #future #futurism #comms #agency #agencies #creative #creativity #futuring #strategy #blockchain #mobile #user #experience #Facebook #worktech #voice